compromising emanations: Unintentional signals that, if intercepted and analyzed, would disclose the information transmitted, received, handled, or otherwise processed by information systems equipment.
Would also make a good name for an album. Pink Floyd, maybe?
Well, thank you Trillian. My MSN contact list is now blank. I wonder if it'll get re-populated anywhere close to what it was? I wonder if I care?
*Update* My Allow List in Trillian contains all the addresses of my MSN contacts. Whew. Well, I'll be able to recover I guess. But some other time, it's poker time now...
Stupid Yahoo!, won't let me login... *grumble grumbe* And what do I have to do to reset my password? Provide my birth date, and postal code. Postal code??!! Like I remember what that was when I signed up
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Last weekend's Saturday Night Live digital short "Lazy Sunday" didn't suck, and made me chuckle. Posting mostly for Tracey's benefit... Cupcakes, Narnia...
I should also mention that I have been sucked into this series. I stumbled across what turned out to be part 4 (Replacements) on Thursday. I'm starting disc three tonight. Great way to fill out a vacation (which I'm on this week). Also, I'm moving. Whee.