Jun 24, 2003 12:03
Oh man! Sarah and Freddie are getting a divorce. I cannot believe it but it's her fault. She did practically cheat on him with Milo for lord sakes! Geez, she keeps saying he is gay! He is bisexual, which I don't mind. Hmm, I need to call Britney up. Maybe she hasnt heard the news.
Jun 20, 2003 14:51
I cannot believe it. Sarah and Freddie have a lot of problems going on. Whoa to them! Well, I think JC needs to cut his hair. It has gotten too long...lol...
Jun 19, 2003 01:32
Well, well, I just got some good and bad news. The good news is JC is coming home. I have missed him a whole lot but the abd news is he isn't doing so well. Hopefully JC will be great but I do not know. God I hope he is doing okay...afterall he is my buddy. I love him as he were my brother.
Jun 18, 2003 19:05
So, JC's home again...
NEW AIM NAME: davidangel017
Jun 09, 2003 19:34
This was one HELL of a weekend... Not much to say other than that.
May 22, 2003 16:21
Little Debbie brownies are a fucking great invention. Twelve brownies for $1.39 is the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel.
May 13, 2003 20:50
Did you all see the pictures from this weekend of me, JC, JoJo, and Dale? I make them look good.
May 12, 2003 23:08
hello everyone!
im looking for a roomie!
May 09, 2003 22:39
I was on E! Celebrity Dates. Remember me? Oh, I know JC.