It is so Ironic, when I am in a relationship I have no money and have trouble finding a job, when I am not in a relationship I have a job and make decent money. Can I just have a part time of both?
The past year in this hell hole town has made me remember who I was and what I was growing up, I can't wait until my parents are able to be on their own again without assistance from somebody for the minor work at the house
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long time no see livejournal my old friend, we haven't hung out in a while, maybe it is because we grew apart, or we just don't need each other as much. the countless times we laughed and cried, the times we shared and times we didn't. I am still here my old friend, I will be around when needed.
I feel as if nobody remembers that live journal is here... what a shame There is a great thing about to happen, I can just feel it, or maybe it is gas
dentists are now among my list of terrorists, I am already 1,200 bucks into it and I am in so much pain I can't sleep, those evil beings and their needles and sharp poky things and hoses and drills
I got a membership at golds gym, and I found out I can do physical therapy at the college for only $35 a session, I think I will do that. I still can't lift more than 100 lbs without my left shoulder severely hurting
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