There is a lot of work happening at old Powderhouse School on Broadway. Does anyone know where the plans are online for the new design that includes high school? I have not seen anything in the paper or at city websites.
Okay, you guys have probably already heard, but the Free Speech Bus is coming our way. (It's this total horseshit bus covered in slogans about how only XX girls and XY boys exist and anyone who says otherwise is against free speech and also SCIENCE because that's totally how science works
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Most approaches to solving the most pressing social challenges we face are wrong because they are rooted in the deeply flawed assumption that human behaviors and decisions are purely rational. Brain science and hard-won experience demonstrate just the opposite, revealing the primary role unconscious processes play in shaping our behaviors and
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My church in East Somerville is looking for a flexible (voice with either keyboard or guitar) musician to coordinate music and lead singing during weekly (Sunday morning) contemporary worship service and for 4-5 evening services a year. Please message me if interested.
Please join Ward 6 Alderman Lance Davis ( and community leader Thalia Tringo on Wednesday, March 29th at 6:30 P.M. at the office of Thalia Tringo Real Estate (128 Willow Ave) for a meeting to discuss the formation of a Davis
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