Hello all, I am in the middle of a Five fic and was wondering if anyone could act as beta? The story is set in Celtic Briton where Bad Things are happening. It is a sort of spookyish tale. Warning the main character is Adric.
Title: Five Firsts for Turlough Author: mahmfic Beta: None. All mistakes are mine. Character(s)/Pairing(s): 5th Doctor/Turlough, Tegan Rating: PG Word Count: 500 Summary: Turlough knows a good man when he sees one. The war taught him that much. Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who.
Summary: When he was dying, the Tenth Doctor revisited all his old companions. But there was one he could never visit...and two to whom he could never say goodbye. Genre: drama, tragedy Characters: The Doctor (5, 10, future), Donna, Tegan, Adric Pairings: Ten/Donna, Five/Tegan Warnings: set during and after "The End Of Time"
Summary: Over the years Tegan's memories add up to a realization. Genre: angst, romance Character(s): Tegan, Fifth Doctor, Adric Warnings: Doctor/Tegan unrequited, post-series Partly inspired by this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtftQZH5Ig0