Title: Plan B Rating: PG-13 Pairing(s)/Character(s): Five, Ainley!Master, Nyssa, Tegan, Adric Warnings: no standard warnings apply; fic contains non-sexual bondage, electrocution and violence Spoilers: "Castrovalva" AU. Summary: The Master kidnaps Nyssa instead of Adric for his Hadron web. Nyssa makes him pay for it.
Summary: The Doctor reflects on those he's lost. Genre: angst Character(s): Five, Tegan, Nyssa, Turlough, Adric, Kamelion Warnings: Five/Tegan unrequited Inspired by this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jRqU_3EezY
Title: When Spring Follows Autumn: or An Appreciation of Hot House FlowersWordcount: 752 Rating: G Pairing(s): Fifth Doctor/Nyssa Notes: Taking place after Autumn from the BFA Circular Time in which Nyssa has a bit of a romance and the Doctor doesn't take it very well.
Summary: Tegan reflects on the two hearts of a Time Lord. Genre: (Gen), angst, romance Character(s): Fifth Doctor, Tegan Warnings: post "The Caves Of Androzani", Tegan/Fifth Doctor unrequited