Title:Your Heart is an Empty Room
Length ~21k
Rating R-ish
Warnings Depression, Mentioned Character Death, Allusions to sex industry
Summary It's 2045 and though the world is a much different place, humans aren't. They still experience happiness, anger, grief- continue to deal with it in strange and personal ways. Derek is one such human.
Thing is, this world doesn't just belong to them anymore. With the invention of androids, there's a thousand and one new ways to see and live through it all. With built in curiosity, a need to please, and different methods of understanding, they too are just trying to figure it all out. Stiles is one such android.
Unable to make it on their own, they try and parse out an existence together- haltingly, violently, unsure, but together.
A/N Ohmysweetbabbyjesus! I can't believe that I actually finished this thing. I have never written anything half so long before and for a while I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do it, but here we are! Written for the
Teen Wolf Superbang and miraculously finished and posted on time!!! :D You can find the original post there. ^^
In any case, I'm sure you don't want to read my ramblings, so we'll move on to the pertinent stuff. :P I drew inspiration from a truly ridiculous amount of sources, but the most evident are Metric's album Fantasy, Robot and Frank, and most importantly Quantic Dream's Kara, which is essentially the first chapter, and the reason this even came to life in the first place.
Many, many thanks to my beta, the lovely,
guessthatswhoiam-dealwithit who valiantly volunteered once I whined and complained for two days straight on my tumblr. :P You were such a sweetheart and just wonderful. Also! Props to my kind and understanding artist
amoralambiguity h stoically ealt with my first-timer's antics and created
this beautiful art in the meantime. They were patient and kind and really helped me through, so you need to go see them and give them all the props and thanks and faun over their works. :) Oh! And also, title and inspiration blatantly stolen from Death Cab for Cutie's Your Heart is an Empty Room. Truly a beauteous, haunting, utterl genius ong
Sooooo, that's it! Please lemme know what you think, because I'm dying to hear it. :D
Chapter 1:
Help, I'm AliveChapter 2:
Your Heart is an Empty RoomChapter 3:
Gimme SympathyChapter 4:
Possibilities to Not be AloneChapter 5:
Finally Free Also at:
AO3 |