I'm waiting for the sky to fall down onto my trivial life...

Apr 09, 2006 18:05

Just finished munching down my self-made supper (horrah for Rozhky and pate), drinking some milk and now I'm gonna push start on the stop-watch on my mobile, for a little experiment...So right now it is 6:10 pm.

With the written part of my graduation exams finaly behind me, I had been doing completely nothing this past week and if I didn't know how ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

hanzan April 10 2006, 13:12:09 UTC
I read the xanga and this one... :)

I actually exist on both gamespot and deviantart but I'm not active there at all any longer.


dawn_at_dusk April 11 2006, 08:39:15 UTC
I sometimes get the feeling you exist on any site... O_o
Omnipresent inactive Hanzan. :p
Xanga=dead. Please stick to lj. :)


hanzan April 12 2006, 13:25:15 UTC
I DO have accounts on quite a lot of them;) I am after all God:P


dawn_at_dusk April 12 2006, 14:24:46 UTC
you just go on thinking that :p *rolls eyes* ;)


yulzilla April 10 2006, 15:07:47 UTC
I feel your pain. Boy do I ever.


I smell a mohawk forming in its place though. Just got to muster up the courage.

I miss talking to you. It's been forever Dawn, where aaarrreee you?



boxxinkangaroo April 10 2006, 16:42:04 UTC
What the hell is the difference between a fauxhawk and a mohawk anyway?



dawn_at_dusk April 11 2006, 08:44:56 UTC
I've been neglecting msn and I regret that.
I miss talking to you toooooooo Raaaacheeeel! :'( *cue echo of dramatic proportions; zoom out*
I... I kind of remember seeing you without your faux when you showed me your piercing via cam?
And as Lauren pointed out- what's the difference?
My guess would be that a real mohawk is when the mohawk itself is the only hair on your scalp, whereas by a faux you model it with hairgel like Volk does?


anonymous April 11 2006, 14:13:54 UTC
takze nebude ti pisat po anglicky, je mi fuk, ci to ostatni ludia, ktorych nepoznam, nebudu vediet precitat.

a kasli na to. vyzerat zle alebo dobre.. what the fuck (toto asi precitaju :D ) vlasy dorastu a preco by si sa mala obmedzovat? no ked ti to tak strasne vadi, ze sa ani za nic nechces nikde ukazat, tak okej, ale otherwise v tom nevidim zmysel. hlavne, ked uz uvazujes nad tym, ze pojdes. takze ja som za jedno male pivo/caj podla chuti, jednu dve socka cigarety (uz zdrazeli, zbohom davidoff :'( a mozno nieco dobre na zakusnutie.

moj prvy a snad aj posledny entry v blogu. [naco, ked mozme pokecat?] ale aby si sa necitila zanedbavana, tak tu to mas: "XXXXX... X" take care^^


Ladies and Gentlemen- that was Didi :D in all her glory =P (almost) anonymous April 12 2006, 06:02:36 UTC
You know I included that request of at least posting an 'X' ESPECIALLY for you, because I KNOW we can talk IRL, but did I ever mention how I really don't like it when I post something and then three weeks later you bring it up like 'yo, I read in your lj that--' and get me going 'wtf?! you actually read that? O_o'. So yeah.
And I'll try to find a cornershop with the old price, because 80 crowns for my favorite cancer is just ridiculous! >_<
Friday Friday? ;)


Re: Ladies and Gentlemen- that was Didi :D in all her glory =P (almost) dawn_at_dusk April 12 2006, 06:03:31 UTC
^fcuk I forgot to log in >.


anonymous April 13 2006, 01:26:27 UTC
Boze, nahodou to vyzera v pohode. Sice nie tak v pohode ako predtym, ale stale nemas kratke vlasy ako tvoja mama. Tak nestresuj a vobec sa nemas preco vyhybat stretkam, pravdupovediac mam chut ti da 5 a 20. W


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