xander's speech toched my so much. I hope he gets a cape. I can just relate so much. I am even starting to cry now. 7 years of being powerless, 7 years of having nothing special, 7 years watching your friends get more powerful, 7 years of just watching, but 7 years of being extra ordinary. -dawn summers
Ok did ne1 watch angel last night. Thank God Cordelia didnt go with conor (he annoys the heck out of me). Angel MUST tell her he loves her i mean they are meant to be. And I hate that asshole who sent fred to polygon, I would have sooooo killed him.
The episode of angel last night disaponted me like hell. If Cordelia and Connor get together (which judging by scenes for next week that will happen) I will kill connor. Anyway isnt he under 18 and her older then 18. G2G bye
I made new icons I think they rock. I made no doubt icons to submit to the community Slash Icons. I want to win the contest. watching buffy dawns like killing herself. Shes going crazy. Its sad.
On fx on halloween theres gonna be a buffy marathon. Theres also a buffy thanksgiving marathon you can vote for your three favorite episodes at fx network on the 27th of october
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