I got my tax return back the other day - $8. Small, but still nice.
Today I went and voted, and I also went into the Aquarium with some fannish friends. It was fun. The animals were all really active, and my favourite was the Weedy SeaDragon. ♥!
When I first saw the advertising posters for the Da Vinci Code, I was struck by how very much Silas looked like Anakin looked after he went all evil. Inevitably, I wound up making ( this manip: )
Some person of a trollish nature has written a script to friend anyone on the 'recent posts' page. (How do I know this? Because a troll friended me. I am more creeped out by this than it really warrants.)
There are two ways that you can fix this kind of serial adding:
"Roger Shermnan Lookmis, in a critical move that would solve many other literary cruxes, suggested that the author might have been drunk when he wrote it." 1
The Development of Arthurian Romance (New York, 1964), p 175.
(From C. David Benson's "The Ending of the Morte D'Arthur" in A Companion to Malory, edited by Elizabeth Archibald and A.S.G.