Weekly/Bi-Weekly To Do Lists: List Six

Nov 17, 2008 11:38

Not every item in the previous list complete. So, at this point, I take the opportunity to assess my reaction to potential failure in maintaining my short term goals. This prompts me to add NOTES number 5 and an edit to NOTE number 3.

Failed Items
  • Yoga at the Gym. Item postponed. Due to failure to wake up one Saturday (could have gone at this time) and scheduling another appointment overlapping Yoga (for a Dubli online seminar). Add to next list.
  • Complete Predestination. Only finished Chapter 8. Need to finish the remaining chapters. Will add to a subsequent list.
  • Design Business plan. Plan not written or declared. However, learning process ongoing. For now, attend Dubli Business webinars to learn more about the business.
Items not listed above. Completed.
  1. Complete two more classes. After completing two classes last month, I promptly signed up for two more. Already initiated; my assessment of these classes will require greater effort to ensure passing.
  2. Continue Scripture studies and readings. This includes Luther's Large Catechism, Bible Study series on Predestination, and Scripture itself. In addition, review previous studies and notes.
  3. Study the Dubli Business. While I cannot create a business plan at this point, I must study the Dubli business more.
  4. Continue Running training. Having signed up for the 10K for Turkey Trot. I must train for it. However, I will have to note a potential downgrade from 10K to 5K. Running training has resumed, but not confident of current running level.
  5. Book an ACEN Room. Before the rooms run out, it will be a good idea to get this done.
  6. Yoga at the Gym. Already with an X-Sport gym membership. It will be best to participate in a group activity here. The yoga workout may supplement my running and weight training as well. Complex stretch exercises.
  7. Schedule Time with the Pastor. Been a while since my last 1-on -1 discussion. To be scheduled after completing classes and before Vegas trip.
  8. Get a laptop. To perform Dubli and other Internet activities outside the home.
  9. Begin blogging on Japanese language. Having My Japanese Coach, I can create notes in my blog regarding the chapter lessons included in the game. Mostly for my own reference and regurgitating learned lessons.
Expiration: December 8

1. Items to be added for the week. They are to be added to the above list.
2. Maximum of 10 items every week or 2 week list.
3. Time limit. An expiration date is set for each list for review and/or goal renewal purposes.
4. The next list will briefly evaluate performance on the previous list.
5. Failed items are to be assessed, readjusted, and/or determined if any can be included in a later list for completion.
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