Not every item in the
previous list complete. So, at this point, I take the opportunity to assess my reaction to potential failure in maintaining my short term goals. This prompts me to add NOTES number 5 and an edit to NOTE number 3.
Failed Items
- Yoga at the Gym. Item postponed. Due to failure to wake up one Saturday (could have gone at this time) and scheduling another appointment overlapping Yoga (for a Dubli online seminar). Add to next list.
- Complete Predestination. Only finished Chapter 8. Need to finish the remaining chapters. Will add to a subsequent list.
- Design Business plan. Plan not written or declared. However, learning process ongoing. For now, attend Dubli Business webinars to learn more about the business.
Items not listed above. Completed.
- Complete two more classes. After completing two classes last month, I promptly signed up for two more. Already initiated; my assessment of these classes will require greater effort to ensure passing.
- Continue Scripture studies and readings. This includes Luther's Large Catechism, Bible Study series on Predestination, and Scripture itself. In addition, review previous studies and notes.
- Study the Dubli Business. While I cannot create a business plan at this point, I must study the Dubli business more.
- Continue Running training. Having signed up for the 10K for Turkey Trot. I must train for it. However, I will have to note a potential downgrade from 10K to 5K. Running training has resumed, but not confident of current running level.
- Book an ACEN Room. Before the rooms run out, it will be a good idea to get this done.
- Yoga at the Gym. Already with an X-Sport gym membership. It will be best to participate in a group activity here. The yoga workout may supplement my running and weight training as well. Complex stretch exercises.
- Schedule Time with the Pastor. Been a while since my last 1-on -1 discussion. To be scheduled after completing classes and before Vegas trip.
- Get a laptop. To perform Dubli and other Internet activities outside the home.
- Begin blogging on Japanese language. Having My Japanese Coach, I can create notes in my blog regarding the chapter lessons included in the game. Mostly for my own reference and regurgitating learned lessons.
Expiration: December 8
1. Items to be added for the week. They are to be added to the above list.
2. Maximum of 10 items every week or 2 week list.
3. Time limit. An expiration date is set for each list for review and/or goal renewal purposes.
4. The next list will briefly evaluate performance on the previous list.
5. Failed items are to be assessed, readjusted, and/or determined if any can be included in a later list for completion.