Title: Like Water Rating: PG Pairing: Dan/Rorschach Warnings: None Summary: Dan does his best to deny his feelings. It doesn't work out very well. Written as a Secret Santa gift for lukadron ! ( There are certain things Dan doesn't think about. )
Awww, that was so sweet and I loved the H/C. I have a weakness for Rorschach making fumbling romantic gestures so I loved the trenchcoat and him holding his hat in his hand and ... yeah, good stuff. The telephone signal was a nice little detail, as well. Great work, daylily.
Awww...this is exactly what I needed after a day like today. This was so sweet without being syrupy - I love their adorable best-buddies vibe and that Dan's twigged on to Rorschach basing his version of a good man on the only examples he ever had.
Wonderful! I love the notion of Rorschach imitating old movies when it comes to romance. It fits with his whole persona of belonging in a different era. I liked all the details about Dan too. And I agree that this was sweet without getting too fluffy for a NO/Ror fic. Nice work!
When I saw who was my secret Santa I squeed. It made me so happy ;c; This was perfect in all ways. The pacing was great, and the many details just made this one an incredible, sensible read that touched the heart with just enough force :D Rorschach removing his hat and then putting it on <3 Being a hopeless romantic like in the old movies and how his hat sat a little askew when he tried to get them out of the storehouse. Omg. So many wonderful little things that I can't even being to name. How you write dialogues is a pleasure to read, so well timed and in character. The descriptions, gnah! This is more than I could have hoped for from this Secret Santa Exchange. Thank you so, so much! I loved it from beginning to end. You definitively made my Christmas :3
Comments 19
This was perfect in all ways. The pacing was great, and the many details just made this one an incredible, sensible read that touched the heart with just enough force :D
Rorschach removing his hat and then putting it on <3
Being a hopeless romantic like in the old movies and how his hat sat a little askew when he tried to get them out of the storehouse. Omg. So many wonderful little things that I can't even being to name. How you write dialogues is a pleasure to read, so well timed and in character. The descriptions, gnah! This is more than I could have hoped for from this Secret Santa Exchange. Thank you so, so much! I loved it from beginning to end. You definitively made my Christmas :3
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