Title: The Frozen Core
Author: Daylyn
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: R (FRM)
Pairing: Hotch/Reid
Word Count: ~ 1,800
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their copyright holders. No profit is intended.
Summary: Aaron is frozen inside.
Author’s Note: (
Contains SPOILERS for Season 5 through Episode 5.17 “Solitary Man”, including spoilers for Episode 5.09 “100”. This was a bit of melancholic angst that grabbed hold of me tonight and wouldn’t let go until I wrote it. )
Comments 31
(Just ask Haley, oh wait, you can’t anymore and it’s all his fault)
Fantastic line. What an impact.
(which, he supposes, is different from his usual thought of “I killed Haley,” but he’s not entirely sure it’s better).
So typically Hotch. And it really speaks to what he's going through as he begins that relationship with Reid, then convinces himself that he's not worthy and breaks it off. Again, very Hotch. His line about his marriage failing is perfect. You address his fears and terrors with eloquence and understatement. Bravo.
And some mornings he wakes up and thoughts of death don’t even enter into the equation until much, much later in the day (not counting, of course, la petit mort).
The last three words had me laughing because, well. Yeah. Great reference.
Cheers and thanks so much for sharing!
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