Title: The Frozen Core
Author: Daylyn
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: R (FRM)
Pairing: Hotch/Reid
Word Count: ~ 1,800
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their copyright holders. No profit is intended.
Summary: Aaron is frozen inside.
Author’s Note: (
Contains SPOILERS for Season 5 through Episode 5.17 “Solitary Man”, including spoilers for Episode 5.09 “100”. This was a bit of melancholic angst that grabbed hold of me tonight and wouldn’t let go until I wrote it. )
Comments 31
Oh, Hotch. It's so ridiculously sad because you know that it's probably true. (Or would be, if Hotch were a real person.)
He knows Jack heard the shot that killed Haley
And I'd never even thought about that before, but that seriously makes me want to cry a little.
And then you have assertive!Reid, and I love assertive!Reid, and he's so good for forlorn!Hotch, and I love their relationship. It's kind of screwed up and messy and exactly like a real relationship and I can so see this happening.
Love it.
I don't know when I realized that Jack must have heard the shot, but I'm convinced that he did. He may not really have know what it was at that moment, but I feel that he figured it out at some point. And that is so terribly tragic that it does make you want to cry.
Oh, and I have such a kink for assertive!Reid I can't even tell you. When you combine assertive!Reid with forlorn!Hotch... *swoons in delight*
I don't know what is exactly, but it's the thing that it makes this story special and intense.
I love it, I really love it a lot *.*
Interestingly, I RP Hotch and this? Is coming up HARD around the anniversary of Haley's death. Not because he's waiting on it but because... it's happening. Jack's getting a clue and realizing that. Hotch didn't save Haley. It's simplistic but it's wicked painful. And, of course, fun.
So he does the only thing he can do - he shuts down and he pushes away.
This? Kind of captures the whole thing and essence of Hotch for me. It is WHAT HE DOES, and it's beautiful and painful.
(Yep. Still reading. Lots. Thank you for that.)
Oh, and "Daylyn" was the name of a Mary Sue character I created many, many, MANY years ago. When my friend coerced me into setting up an LJ account, I obviously needed a name. So, Daylyn sprang to mind and I thought, "Why not? I'll never use the account. I'm just appeasing my friend." Um... yeah... famous last words. But I actually really like the name. Delynn is beautiful, btw.
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