Title: Transfiguration Mishap Chars/Pairs: Neville, Hermione Rating: PG Words: 100 Summary: Neville makes a mistake. Author's Note: drabble challenge 69, "Your drabble must include a dead parrot." hh_sugarquill
Title: Something Better Char/Pairs: Ginny Rating: PG, allusions to adult situations? Words: 745 Summary: Ginny could forget her big dreams there in the arms of a boy. Notes: hh_writersblock (one fic in 30 minutes) challenge "based on your favorite quote." The quote I chose: "Relationships are for people who are just waiting for something better to come along."
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Title: Another Birthday Char/Pair: Harry, Weasleys, Harry/Draco Rating PG Words 686 Summary: Harry hates his birthday. Author's Notes: hh_writersblock (one fic in 30 minutes) challenge "A new love for Harry."
Title: Please Reply Char/Pair: Dean, Dean/Luna Rating: PG Words: 671 Summary: Dean pretends not to wait for her letters. Note: Written for hh_writersblock (write one fic in 30 minutes) challenge "Correspondence".
Title: Unsung Legend Char/Pair: Sokka Rating: K Words: 591 Note: written for comment_fic prompt Sokka, he walked with legends but no one remembers his name
Title: The Air Nomad Char/Pair: Aang & everyone Rating: K Words: 880 Note: written for comment_fic prompt Aang + anyone, he has to be a nomad just to stay in touch with all his friends ( Read more... )
Title: Bated Breath Char/Pair: Lu Ten, Iroh, Ozai Rating: K Words: 363 Note: written for comment_fic prompt Lu Ten never died and Iroh fought for the throne ( Read more... )