I do believe I would commit murder to get me a huge ear of sweet corn. Alas its still around six months away, if everything goes according to schedule, and then I will have the wait till it grows again. Of course by then I will be ready to eat many ears and drink lemon shakeups till I have the diabeetus again. One of the great side benefits of the surgery I had is no more blood sugars out of control since I was about 3 days out.
By the way, the sign may have been serious. I had some Vietnamese food once that burned hotter coming out then it did going in and thats no shit. Well, I wish it had been no shit but it was fiery shit instead :P
It got so bad for a while that I had to switch from pills to shots of insulin but then I got back to pills on a pretty strict diet. Two or three days after the surgery my sugars started dropping and havent been above 130 since. Thats 130 around half an hour after I eat a meal and then it drops to normal. I have read that in Europe they are beginning to use the surgery I had as a cure for diabetes. I am normally 85 to 110 now and loving it :)
Comments 5
By the way, the sign may have been serious. I had some Vietnamese food once that burned hotter coming out then it did going in and thats no shit. Well, I wish it had been no shit but it was fiery shit instead :P
Fantastic as always
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