Title: Lost and Found Rating: PG Pairing: Jaechun Genre: Angst [ Fluff, romance and lots of smex to come soon ] Length: Drabble # 10 of ??? For:
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SOULMATEHHHHHHHHHHH I WANT MORE, rawr! umm... why do you always leave me with a cliffhanger? Seriously I was so opted to find out more and more and more but then BOOM a cliffie where I least expected. Lol. Ah I'm dreading the next update. I'm officially blown away again! ♥♥
tell me jaejoongie will be alright, tell me he was waiting for yoochunnie to save him! :) haha. ily bb.
OMG OMG OMG!!! i didn't even email you yet and you're ninja! OMFG!!!! i missed hearing your voice! like seriously.OMG! SOULMATE-AH!!! ILUSM. i hope you're doing fine. i'm sorry for the cliffhanger, i swear i'll have more soon just to make you happy. [ i live for that, yes ]
i'm glad you liked it hun... ILU2!!! oh so much! *TACKLES*
I WAS WAITING FOR YOUR E-MAIL SOULMATEH, (pouts) But that's fine, I'm your other half so we're ninja! together or something. Splitting genes and techniques ne? :) Haha. I missed hearing you more bb. I am fine and finally able to have a stable internet connection, yayness but I need the story bubbles to come to me! rawr.
I can't wait for more, seriously anticipating for more love. don't leave me hanging too much. :*( but your presence is enough to make me overload of happiness. ♥ ilysm, (tackles with love)
i didn't really get to email you. huhuhu. but i get to get in touch with you more now since i added you in my other account. [ i still say i should've done that sooner. *cries* ] i hope those story bubbles decide to come back for the both of us. COZ DANG I MISS READING FROM YOU!!!! and i have to get on with addiction. *pouts* i know how it's going to end and i have the last two chaps in my head. i just have to get there so i can write it. lolz
Comments 18
tell me jaejoongie will be alright, tell me he was waiting for yoochunnie to save him! :) haha. ily bb.
i'm glad you liked it hun... ILU2!!! oh so much! *TACKLES*
I can't wait for more, seriously anticipating for more love. don't leave me hanging too much. :*( but your presence is enough to make me overload of happiness. ♥ ilysm, (tackles with love)
High on drugs again???
i believe so, yes. T__T let's hope yoochun saves him for good, this time, yeah?
*group hug*
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i hope so too........ ah we'll see.
i'm trying to get my muse back, so we'll see. <3
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