D'anna hadn't been hiding in her room this week after she found certain things on her
phone or anything, oh no.
She's just been conveniently cleaning her room back up and re-arranging everything so that it's back in it's rightful and dust free place.
And all those photographs and film footage she's taken since she's got here absolutely needed to be re-cataloged right this very minute. Really.
She was delighted, however to see that she had an email this morning from home in response to
one she'd sent a while back.
To: D of the Possibly Damned
From Ben
Subject: RE: I Might Still Hate It Here, but At Least It's Interesting
Date: 7/4/06 - 1:17 AM LSTD -
Nah. Still working for your dad. Seems to think I should enjoy starting in the copy room. Not fun, but at least I can make photocopies of my ass.
Met the coolest priest, the other day. He's a frakkin' atheist. Best call, man.
I did NOT spend too long on Geminion. It was just a good retreat for the soul.
And if you b'lieve that, there's this tower in Caprica Harbor...
Really, babe, glad to hear things are going well.
There's a new camera girl attached to the second unit. She brings me coffee every morning. Hot.
Shari the coffee girl. Could get used to this, you know.
Fresh coffee, cute girl, almost nothing to do.
Haven't jumped off any buildings lately. But I'll let you know if I do.
Peace, babe,
Generic Punk Rock Star #42
To: Someday Rockstar
From D of the Still Damned
Subject: RE: RE: I Might Still Hate It Here, but At Least It's Interesting
Date: 7/8/06 - 8:39 AM FSTBen -
You're totally frakked in the head and I am never using that copier ever again, thanks.
If he offers you candy, don't take it.
What the hell where you doing there so long anyway? Those people are completely barmy!
I heard your tower has a rash...
I don't know if things are going well so much as weird, but they're sure going. I picked up a guy yesterday for class, if you know what I mean. He was almost completely black and white. Hit it off pretty well for a being
Oh and I apparently made-out with my coach. You remember the girl that I told you about who tried to kill me way back when? Yeah, her. Yes, there is photographic evidence. No, I'm not sharing.
Success might ruin your reputation - don't let it go to your head.
You could always come visit, jackass. Go, do things, report back and entertain me. Thus I give purpose to your life.
Haven't you any other hobbies?
Queen of the Lazy
To: D of the Lazy
From Ben
Subject: RE: RE: RE:I Might Still Hate It Here, but At Least It's Interesting
Date: 7/8/06 - 9:17 AM LSTLazy -
My existence is not defined by your need for entertainment.
If it were, I'd probably have visited by now, and painted the town purple and green.
Or maybe gold. Can't decide.
Hey, it's not like you were fond of that copier, anyway.
Could be worse. I could tell you what we did to the toaster oven your mother gifted the mailroom with.
DETAILS. As they say. Or something like that. I don't know, naked pictures might be more appropriate.
I only take candy from hot women.
To: Ben
From D of the Damned
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: I Might Still Hate It Here, but At Least It's Interesting
Date: 7/8/06 - 9:37 AM FSTOf course it is darling, everyone lives to entertain me. I am the queen of the universe and you love me for it, natch.
Or something like that.
Blue and gold, mebbe?
The copier and I had an understanding, long distance relationship which you have just broken-up. Thanks ever so much you office-wrecker you.
...I am completely traumatized by the mental images you've just given me.
I HAVE NO NAKED PICTURES! WTF?! (Though I do have video of Alec - co-cpt and damn fine frak - singing and dancing, oddly enough. Found the footage this morning.) I said made-out not frakked to Aerilon and back! There was a sleep-over, alcohol and a local game called Truth or Dare involved. I don't think I'd be adverse to a re-run.
I miss you, frak-face
And coffee, don't forget the coffee.
- D
Things to do at a Sleep Over when You're Dead 1Attached:
Things to do at a Sleep Over when You're Dead 2 Hmmmm, while she was at it, might as well send another email.
To: Captain Greenbeard
From Y + B = G
Subject: No Dead Frogs are Good Frogs
Date: 7/8/06 - 8:37 AM FSTAlex,
I'm assuming from your lack of communique that you are quite dead. You realize you missed a frog invasion, right? Which means it's totally ok to send you copies of these pictures that I managed to frak up of the new cheerleading squad. Oh and apparently drunken cheerleaders do interesting things, who knew?
- D
Cheerleadingly Cheerleaderish People Cheering.
Project Dare-boy.
Hey Coach.
Attached where lots of cheerleading pictures for which she still owed Parker chocolate and alcohol (some of pics were of short skirts on what might have been a leggy blonde if someone hadn't artfully cropped them so as not to reveal her identy - namely by her), a vid of Alec's dare from the other night and an unfortunately not on purpose inclusion of the girlkissy with Callisto from the same night.
Yeah, the 'frakked up' bit? Totally covering the arse in case someone other than the intended found the email. The Girlkissy? Honest mistake - it was just meant for Ben.
Having emailed to her heart's content, she set about ordering thank you gifts for Parker.
[OOC: The emails between D and Ben were co-written with the fabulous
notavegetarian. All Hail ZOG her! Also? Will be linkdroppy as soon as I get all the damn links collected back up from my double crashination.]