I have a truck full of gear now, all packed up from work. I go in monday to talk a bit, and do some final things, but it's over. www.mobilefusioninc.com was where I was working, under "other products", have a look at ScoutBall and SmartSentry. I was the sole hardware engineer.
Laid off officially, but I don't have any real expectations about them recovering.
Looking for other opportunities, primarily in Pittsburgh or Dayton. Muncie would be ideal, but unless you want fries with that, there's not a lot of opportunity there.
So much work, so much effort, all to be put away in boxes.
If the "debate" over national health care teaches us anything, and I'm rather doubting it will, it will be that we can no longer listen to the fear mongers on EITHER SIDE of the issues, telling us what to be afraid of
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