Dec 22, 2008 06:06
feels like he's living in O'Fallon, IL again where he got excited when the temperature would broach freezing and where it was super windy. :-/
Dec 20, 2008 15:33
is thinking maybe he should move to South Carolina where it's definitely warmer.
Dec 20, 2008 12:05
is pondering what pile to battle with today.
Dec 19, 2008 21:12
had a change of heart and is off to bed early. Don't feel like dealing with it.
Dec 19, 2008 20:41
is toying with EC2 on a Friday night, working to figure out what the best way to setup an ad hoc environment is.
Dec 18, 2008 08:23
is without his trusty laptop and living by the Berry today. Feels strangly odd and oddly strange. Ironmind.com for a fun time.
Dec 17, 2008 21:39
is off to an exciting evening of collaboration ideas.
Dec 17, 2008 21:37
Tons of sirens and equipment headed toward I495 in the vicinity of Little River Turnpike. Never good at 1030 PM. Praying for whoever. :-/
Dec 16, 2008 19:24
is off to the gym to think about Enterprise deployments of SharePoint.
Dec 16, 2008 12:06
is reading documentation, making comments on documentation and re-writing documentation. Good thing I have a degree in ... physics.