heat_rules wrote in
Dec 26, 2008 20:12
hey new years is on it way any ideas what to do for this
and do we have to invite the others, if we have to invite others
roland will drink all the alcohol
mike will eat all the food
and varin will complain as well as angel
and harvey will just scream
is it just us or everyone
embr_strategist wrote in
Nov 05, 2008 06:14
I believe we should hold a meeting concerning Roland's Drinking problem.
It is not plesent......and he seems to become attached to myself....i would feel safer, if we resolved this.
Heat I expect you to attend
embr_strategist wrote in
Nov 01, 2008 21:14
This is Gale here, and this is the DDS RP community.
there is not much more to say right now......except i do not comprehend how to change the layout of the community......
found out, although i must apologize for the Neon colors, it would be dishonorable for me to not include all of the tribe colors.....