Title: Lawn Fandom: Eerie, Indiana Characters: Marilyn Teller, Marshall Teller Rating: PG Notes: written for Day 23 of 31_days September challenge. The prompt was "provocative maintenance"
To celebrate twenty-five years since Eerie, Indiana first aired, the eerie_indiana comm will be starting a weekly rewatch of the series, begining with Foreverware on 15th September 7.30pm GMT. The schedule for the whole thing is listed here. No signups required, if you miss a week you can revisit the previous episode's post and comment when you catch up, or
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Title: Awakening Fandom: Eerie, Indiana Characters: Mary C. Carter Prompt: 25-Jun-2016 "all around her, the world is burning" Length: 341 words Rating: PG
Title: Sculpture Prompt: 23-Jun-2016 "the enemy sketched out in promise and pen" Based on: Eerie, Indiana Characters: Sara Sue, Harley, the Unkind Ones Length: 281 words Rating: G
Title: Plans Fandom: Eerie, Indiana Characters: Janet Donner Length: 333 words Notes: written for the 31_days prompt, "by land or water, girl, get outta town"