Title Slipped a River of Pity
Characters Dean, OC - well, sort of...
Warnings Unbetaed; spoilers through 5.14
Length Approximately 300 words
Author's Notes A coda to 5.14, this stems from my dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the way the show's mythology is unfolding. ETA: Additional notes follow the ficlet. Meta.
Summary Dean's prayer is
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Comments 24
- But I hope that I'm able to watch "My Bloody Valentine" tonight; and this should blow the dust away...^^
Have fun tonight! *hugs*
Thank you for helping me with this... I second you thoroughly:
"Where are the women?... And what do we have now? Only one female angel - who was so freaking drippy from the start - who turned out to be a foe to be slain."
- Exactly. About time for The Great Mother to make a visit; there's alot to clean up, here...
*nods firmly*
"Women can have power without it being evil, Show."
- Yep, let's tell them, my darling!!^^
*Big Valentine-hug*
P.S. Have you ever seen "CHARMED"? with the Haliwell-sisters?
P.P.S. Umm... if YOU are interested... actually I'm working on our 2010's FASHINGS-/CARNEVALS-Parade and if you want to see your costume, my sweet one, then let me invite you to my LJ the upcomming Monday, what is called ROSE- MONDAY along the Rhine and in the whole Southern Germany.
As for the boys getting a break... That's what I want a sixth season for: one whole season devoted to them finding peace and health.
sorry you were saying something?
I don't think that predestination/God as a bastard is the point at all. That's what the angels espouse, but we already know they've been flying solo for a while now. Also, Castiel doesn't seem to buy into the whole predestination crap.
I think God's been out of the pictures for a while. Castiel will find Him. And maybe Dean, too.
I don't think that 'God as a bastard' is the point they're going for either; I just think it's what's come out. And for a while it seemed like the whole predestination thing was sort of up in the air - it could have been true, but it could have just been the angels and demons dicking around with our boys - but with the past few episodes, it seems like they're really sticking with it. I think that they're really trying to push the idea of the boys as quasi-divine mythical heroes, and personally, I find that that actually makes them seem less heroic ( ... )
It seems like they're going to be introducing gods from other religions. Maybe God's caught up somewhere? Anyway, I don't think He'd abandon us.
But shit, I dunno.
And yeah, shit, I dunno where this is all going, either. Let's cross our fingers!
TBH, I would never have thought 'Mother of God' because to me the SPN universe seems so anti-women (mostly), a powerful mythological figure that could be part of that just wouldn't spring to mind. But I love how you've used it, and this addition would give the story some of the re-balancing it needs. This season started out so well, but I'm getting the feeling now that the mythology is in danger of collapsing in on itself. I really hope they have a powerful and coherent ending thought out.
You're absolutely right about how the SPN universe generally depicts women. This is why fics like this wee one and meta galore are needed.
I agree about the mythology collapsing in on itself. That's all part of my frustration. I'm crossing my fingers for that 'powerful and coherent' ending.
I lost my love for the show when they killed Ellen and Jo. Now Anna's turned into a dick? I still watch, but just to see the pretty boys. I'm no longer invested.
The killing of Ellen and Jo was a massive failure on Show's part. Big fucking sigh. I'm still invested, though, although less in the show and more in the boys themselves.
Also? *huggles* Also also? Petal for the win! (Petal = Peter/Neal - it needed to be done! Hee!)
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