I had this tiny feeling inside to revisit the past for a few moments, to see how I was 8 years ago. And I found it funny, and almost sad, that I didn't remember 90% of the people who seemed so fond of me and commented on my old livejournal posts. And then, it hit me, that they probably do not remember me either.
But you, I remember.
Thanks for always sticking around. You were always in the shadows, even if we didn't speak for years in between the light.
I always wish I could find the people I spoke to back then...even the ones I didn't speak to very often. I look back at my LJ and all the people who have deleted journals and disappeared and I wonder what happened to them. I miss feeling like I could become friends with anyone who would give me a chance. No one wants to give me the chance these days.
Comments 2
But you, I remember.
Thanks for always sticking around. You were always in the shadows, even if we didn't speak for years in between the light.
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