I must admit despite Mrs. Hamilton's amusing little issues, I have been bored lately. Then I came across this: Next! on LITERARY DEATHMATCH! Fitzgerald versus Wilde in... the CAGE
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Oh, you'd win. Hedonism tends to make one soft after awhile. I know from experience. I'm certain I would be able annihilate any other violinist- on the sheer principle that all other violinists are Not Me.
Though I was an old man and infirm, I could certainly have defeated that arthritic abbot of Clairvaux in a fair fight, had I been permitted even that level of civility, instead of being condemned without a hearing. The fool, afraid of his precious faith being picked apart and broken like a common compass! And he believes-- he still believes! that his fragile devotion, so easily smudged and smashed by logic's clumsy fingers, is stronger-- he still believes himself to be a better Christian than I! The foolish, pandering
Hedonism may make one soft, npaganini, but fasting and incessant self-flagellation make one pretty damned brittle.
Er. . .pardon my occasional bitterness. I forget that I am supposed to have forgiven the pompous jackass that absurdity Bernard. Well, one can't remember everything without going mad, can one?
Anyway, I don't think he'd be seen around this little corner of heaven, the sanctimonious toad.
Do not be so confident that your nemesis will not appear. I have noticed a tendency hereabouts to have least-favored "friends" appear. If you are lucky, Héloïse may also join you one day. However, I have been waiting for my Charles for a long time with no success.
However, I do not doubt that you can take Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Aren't saints generally frail?
Why am I not surprised? I always knew the Church was hurtling straight down to hell in a greased cistern. You know, we used to revere the thinkers who used their God-given intellect to. . . oh, never mind.
Yes, very frail. This one, anyway. Gave himself rheumatism by the age of twenty-five by sleeping hunched and bent in moldy cells with deliberately low ceilings; ruined his bowels with fasting; wreaked ruin on his own body before it could wreak any on him. Utterly vain and foolish, and in a way, not foolish. I suppose one takes one's solace where one can.
They were nearly the same age. He and the Abbess, I mean. The same generation, in some ways very much the same. Human variety is astonishing in. . . I mean, the variety with which we. . . I mean, insofar as our frailties. . .I mean. . . oh, God, I don't know what I mean.
Well, he can't hide behind the Pope in here, can he? If he does show up, I'll be ready for him, won't I? Obviously this time will be different.
Comments 50
Just saying. I couldn't.
::hides face behind fan, eyes twinkling::
I'm certain I would be able annihilate any other violinist- on the sheer principle that all other violinists are Not Me.
Our beloved Marquis is a hedonist, to my way of thinking.
Hedonism may make one soft, npaganini, but fasting and incessant self-flagellation make one pretty damned brittle.
Er. . .pardon my occasional bitterness. I forget that I am supposed to have forgiven the pompous jackass that absurdity Bernard. Well, one can't remember everything without going mad, can one?
Anyway, I don't think he'd be seen around this little corner of heaven, the sanctimonious toad.
However, I do not doubt that you can take Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Aren't saints generally frail?
Why am I not surprised? I always knew the Church was hurtling straight down to hell in a greased cistern. You know, we used to revere the thinkers who used their God-given intellect to. . . oh, never mind.
Yes, very frail. This one, anyway. Gave himself rheumatism by the age of twenty-five by sleeping hunched and bent in moldy cells with deliberately low ceilings; ruined his bowels with fasting; wreaked ruin on his own body before it could wreak any on him. Utterly vain and foolish, and in a way, not foolish. I suppose one takes one's solace where one can.
They were nearly the same age. He and the Abbess, I mean. The same generation, in some ways very much the same. Human variety is astonishing in. . . I mean, the variety with which we. . . I mean, insofar as our frailties. . .I mean. . . oh, God, I don't know what I mean.
Well, he can't hide behind the Pope in here, can he? If he does show up, I'll be ready for him, won't I? Obviously this time will be different.
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