I need to update my already existing webpage. I have iweb but that seems to just make new pages based on Mac templates. I need a recommendation for software that will allow me to edit an already existing site.
gnowun a really good guy is in the hospital and right now having surgery for colon cancer. Boris is a great person and is an asset to this community. Please send him good energy and happy thoughts.
Right now, in a sleepy little town called New Haven CT a lovely group of people are gathering for good food, good drink, good conversation and.... the start of the end of BSG
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Yay for new phones. I figured I had to finally bite the bullet and get a new one when I took my phone off the charger (reading as full) answered a call and 30 seconds later got the beep beep beep of a dead battery. It had cracked view screens and was held together with glue and was several years old.... so she had a good long life
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