Title: Rising Temperatures
Pairing: Jeff/Annie
Word Count: 2561
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Community. Community owns me. True story.
Spoilers: Season One
Description: Greendale experiences record temperatures. Set some time in my own la-la land of hopes and dreams for for Season Two.
Author’s Note: Written for
0penhearts Ficcy Friday
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Comments 29
They’re in the deep end of the pool and he can stand, but she’s left trying to tread water, holding onto him and it’s not really working so she bends her legs up and around his waist, circling her arms around his shoulders, fingers pressing into the muscles of his back. His eyes are closed and he’s not really breathing so she stills around him and drops her forehead to his shoulder, as if any kind of movement will jar this moment away.
I experienced the black out of 2003 - that affected like, the eastern third of the U.S.? - and I'd just like to tell you that if I'd had anything like what that paragraph above describes, it would've been a much pleasanter four days.
Four days? Yikes. More power to you for living through that.
And thanks for the comment!
Hee. I would *love* if Dean Pelton used that in GCC promotional materials. "Are you looking for a change? Do you need to retrain after a job loss? Is now the time to finally start your dream career? Then come to Greendale Community College, where classes are affordable, instructors are caring and you have a 50% chance of seeing this (insert grainy cell phone picture from The Pool Game) on any given day!"
Four days?
Yep. 80+ degree Farenheit temperatures, sauna-like humidity, no running water or wind. (And not to be crass, but for a teen girl, it was the *worst* possible week of all the weeks in the month for it to happen.)
...I don't suppose there's any possibility of a follow up to this? Smutty or otherwise? :7
HAHA! Best advertisement ever. Now, that is a school I would go to.
And yikes, that sounds like the worst week ever. I'm such a wuss. I'm not sure I would have survived.
I don't suppose there's any possibility of a follow up to this? Smutty or otherwise? :7
I don't know about a follow-up necessarily but I'm kind of toying with the idea of doing a series like this - Jeff and Annie and crazy sexual tension during the second season. We'll see...
Really, thank you for such a sweet comment. I have the warm fuzzies right now.
Why aren't you doing this for a living again? Really?
And I've actually decided that what I WANT to do is quit my job and be a professional fangirl for the show. Dan Harmon would pay me for that right? Cause I'd rock. And you should obviously join me Miss I-Started-a-Twitfic-Marathon-of-Awesome.
But after I read this, I went back and reread almost all of your other works. Genius! I also found one I had never read, Slow Show. I LOVED that.
And I'm so glad you found Slow Show. After all this time it's still one of my favorite things I've written.
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