Pairing: Jeff/Annie
Spoilers: Only for the 3x01 episode title
Word Count: 4998
Rating: PG-13, for language
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Description: Jeff gets a new roommate.
Author's Note: I love everyone in this bar. Especially
0penhearts for beta'ing this monstrosity.
Have you ever spent an entire day just doing nothing? )
Comments 38
“All of us. Just, get married to each other and move to Utah and live on a communal farm, or something.”
Is it bad that I would TOTALLY read that fic? Sister wives! Weird Grandpa Pierce! It's pretty much destined for greatness.
I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
I want to echo all of the 'never wanted this to end' sentiments because this chapter was pure perfection.
Loved that Jeff has become comfortable with Annie living with him and that he doesn't seem to mind that she hasn't found a place yet.
And I cracked up at how worked up Annie got both at Jeff's assertion that she never relaxed and his challenge to do so. I find Annie's uptight tendencies endlessly endearing.
He’s realized though that this might not be the most ingenious plan. What are they going to swim in? Their underwear? Cause that would be a bad idea. Very bad.
Right?This is my favorite part, followed very closely by Annie pushing Jeff into the pool. I can just picture the look on Jeff's face as this thought belatedly occurs to him, and the debate he has with himself over it. Luckily (or unluckily?) for him, Annie took care of that potential problem for him ( ... )
The next chapter should be posted soon!
And I love it like nuts. I just see that bar. And don’t get me started about the pool. Seriously, when they showed that Annie wasn’t living with her parents I was like that gif of her screaming NOOOOOO from first season Christmas because I need to believe that that could still happen. And then I worked it out in my mind that she could still know her family would be out of town and she could still sneak in and okay they’re divorced but who cares! Anyway I loved this. Even though I was definitely screaming, “no no no you guys are supposed to be sexy with each other and look at the stars! Don’t run away!” when I finished this thing. But then I remembered that there are 7 more parts to come so it’s all worth it.
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