[As locked as he can make it; that is, not very--PERSONAL RESET VIRUS START]

Jan 02, 2009 23:45

...What point could there possibly be putting so many sensors in an outlet port? It seems illogical.

((Okay, so this is the start of the personal virus that's going to be hitting Blackout and Scorponok. You may recall Norry's two posts on the subject--obviously, Eros is no longer going to be affected; just as obviously, Blackout still is.

For those who don't remember/don't care to read, what this means is Blackout is going to be losing the last year of his life--permanently. He will not remember anything he's done or anyone he's met...and honestly, this means basically everyone, as the only people he interacted with regularly are dropped, or have been rebooted. He will never regain his memory of the year past. It is gone. However, all the posts he's made in the intervening year and all the things he's done remain--everyone else can remember them, just not him! (On that note, he can't see any of those posts/comments/threads--feel free to try to link them to him, but the links won't work.)

I urge you to have your characters (assuming they know him well enough to notice, and if you're reading this, they probably do!) notice the change and assume it's a virus; similarly, I urge you to also notice when the virus doesn't end in a week or two. As Nor said in the original post about this, this is partially meant to shake DDD up some, as the cycle of viruses has become predictable to the characters themselves.

So where is Blackout now, exactly? He's been poofed back to the middle of the curse placed on him by Freyja, the first time he was ever turned human. This means he's stranded in the middle of the desert of the American Southwest, somewhere. Incidentally, he may be close to where the Autobots now have their base, though I imagine he's closer to the mountains, while they're out where it's flat. Specifically, this is the day after Eros visited him to introduce him to the ~*wonders of sex*~, hence the contents of his post. However, things aren't exactly the same; since Bumblebee's character has been restarted on DDD, this means Blackout was never brought a carload of supplies like he was the first time around. He is...probably in much worse shape now than he was then, or if he's not, he will be soon. He is posting using a PDA graciouls left to him by Freyja~

Scorponok, for his part, has been returned to his state of inactivity. He's back in Qatar, once again damaged and in stasis lock, and on IC HIATUS until Blackout decides to retrieve him. Feel free, if your character knows him, to have them realize he's missing in a few weeks~!

FINALLY, like before, I request that no one else have their characters effected by a reset virus like this one. If the concept is really appealing to people, feel free to suggest a temporary version to Norry as a community-wide virus of more normal caliber, but until it's scheduled, leave this to me~. Thank you! <33 /selfissssh

Aaaand I think that's that. If anything's unclear or if you have any questions, please feel free to comment OOCly here, on my contact post, or over AIM--my SN is WarpedDreamer.))

personal reset virus, eros, human wtf, somewhere in the american southwest, scorponok, lolpenis, freyja's curse: redux, virus

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