With the same amount of effort, you could have googled it silly.
I was going to message you as I hadn't seen you on here for a while, how's life? Mine is not that good this week, trying to keep on top of things, but some minutes are better than others. Anyhoo, how's things with you, are you still talking to Brett? is he still with that girl? Remember how I used to call him Brendon all the time? Django has a friend called Brendon and I always got them mixed up. Anyway, how's bob the ferret?
Comments 3
I was going to message you as I hadn't seen you on here for a while, how's life? Mine is not that good this week, trying to keep on top of things, but some minutes are better than others. Anyhoo, how's things with you, are you still talking to Brett? is he still with that girl? Remember how I used to call him Brendon all the time? Django has a friend called Brendon and I always got them mixed up. Anyway, how's bob the ferret?
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