Title : Anata no Memory(chaptered)
Parts: Chapter 4/15 + Epilogue
Pairing : [DBSK Fandom] JaeChun at prologue. Oh wait, don't run away! JaeHo, of course.
Rating : PG, drama, AU
Author : Randix
Disclaimer : No, the boys belong to themselves. I'm just a poor writer.
Summary : /AU/ How on earth will Yunho and Jae Joong find themselves together, when
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Comments 79
Jae Joong didn’t know how he was able to endure the throbbing pain in his leg; all he knew was that he was rushing out of that office and into the hallway, and that someone was calling his name but it sounded so far away. He just kept on running, down the stairs, out of the entrance, into the parking area, his fingers fumbling to fit the key into the lock of his bike, but it wouldn’t fit, it wouldn’t fit. The key kept on missing the lock; it was wet, slippery -
- then he realized that his arms were slowly becoming wet too, and his hair, and his face, and that he was standing on a puddle of water -
The rain had fallen.
i love that part! it's so poetically put
Oh. Thanks for answering my question about your icon! Ugh, I love the two of them. *falls dead*
Damn, I feel bad for Yoochun, too.
(but man, Yunho's dream was HOT)
I really want to Yoosu to start. WOOHOO IT IS.
('cause I want Jaeho together.)
AHHH~ Please! Update soon~!!! =DDD~
Again, thanks for reading dear! *gives you cookies*
I really wished Yoochun would not ask that question. again poor Jaejoong. The sad thing is, even when he is sick, he does not think about himself, he thinks about others. Like who would take care of his mom, and etc.
Nice chapter, keep it up, please don't stop this.
Thanks again!
Do update though take your time. No rush from me.
Great appreciation for writing.
I think I post on the wrong spot before or did I?
Ehhh confusing.
I think you also posted a comment in detox, but that's alright. :) I'm glad you found this fic too. Oh, I posted the next update as well, so I hope you'll be able to read that.
Thanks again!
Hahahahaha, I was reading my emails, and I found yours, and I saw that little, VERY LITLE comment, where you stated, and I quote *ahem* 'I've posted the next chapter up.' hehehehehe, and here I am now, first thing in the afternoon. !!!!! HAHAHAHA~
lolz, great update, and it must have sucked, writing the part where Yunho-ahh had to tell JaeJoongie-ahh the analyses about his results. That must have been quite the challenge.... O_o" awwwe =[
Great chapter, and seriously, 'Will you marry me,' seems a bit fast, huh? and Over the PHONE?? sorry, but that seems a bit like Britney spears and her divorce, but this one's the marriage proposal........ >.<" lolz
I can't wait for the next chapter, and this one pretty much just killed me. And I can feel myself slowly dying too....~ahhhhhhh. lolz
And I'm sure you did fine on your mid-terms, or something exams. YOu're a keener =]
Can't wait for the next chapter!!!! =3 *insert heart iconsx10000* lolz~
No no please don't die! *gives you Jaeho cookies* Well, does that help? :) Thanks for reading my dear! ♥
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