Title : Anata no Memory(chaptered)
Parts: Chapter 7/15 + Epilogue
Pairing : [DBSK Fandom] JaeChun at prologue. Oh wait, don't run away! JaeHo, of course.
Rating : PG, drama, AU
Author : Randix
Disclaimer : No, the boys belong to themselves. I'm just a poor writer.
Summary : /AU/ How on earth will Yunho and Jae Joong find themselves together, when
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Comments 71
what are you talking about?!??! i LOVE this chapter. i love all your writing :) this chapter was so sweet with us getting a view of what's going on in jae's head and heart.
love under a star-studded sky in a beautiful autumn evening.
lol. yes, being a fanfic writer rocks because we can make up WHATEVER we like :) i love jae's own meaning of his name XD and the "real" meaning XDD. And his wacky moment when he thinks about what would've happened if Yunho hadn't followed him to Namwon XDD.
“In places like these, I feel like I can do anything.” Jae Joong smiled weakly, but to Yunho he looked like he was talking to himself, as if no one else was there. “But then again, being strong doesn’t make things hurt any less.”:( i feel so bad for Jaejoong. He's trying to take all his problems and handle them on his own even if he knows he can't. I'm glad that Yunho's there for him though. I hope Jae tells Chunnie soon ( ... )
Actually, I'm a Jaechun fan too, so sometimes I still have trouble with those two pairings. *sigh* But then again, there's the challenge, right? XD Thanks for reading again, dearie! You've made my day brighter!
♥ ♥ ♥
He can't help himself--and he's doing his best to help Jaejoong, too *sigh*
Thanks for reading. Let's hope for happier jaeho times ne~! :)
Love the lighthouse scene, jaejoong is falling for yunho ne? ^__^
Thanks for reading, dearie! And is that Junki on your icon? ♥ Pretty boy. T_T
it is..the most beautiful man ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
junki and jaeho are definitely the hottest asians i've ever seen
I don't know how to say I love your story, so I'll just thank you many many times for writing this. I promise I'll live you a comment and a "<3"
in every chapter^^
Ah~ hey, I just noticed! Your fic has this Korean drama feeling to it, too! You know "Autumn Heart"? (don't know the exact English name-.-), yeah, the feeling is quite similiar, but yours is better, of course^^ I'm fed up with K-drama, but I'm obsessed with your story!!!!
Here's your "<3" for this chapter:^^
*hugs you because I don't know what else to say* I promise I'll try my best with the remaining chapters! I haven't watched a lot of K-dramas, although I liked the few that I've seen. I think I've heard "Autumn Heart" before, but I'm not so sure if I've seen that yet. Because sometimes when they show it here, they change the title! XD Is it any good? :)
Thank you really dearie! *gives you cookies* ILU. ♥
i can't tell u how much i love ur story!
this is too good
and the lighthouse scene.
i love it so much! =D
jaejoongah, dun need to handle all of ur problems if u can T_T
sweet yet sad T_T
and u r not lame. u r love!
I love you too~! XD Take care always, okay? <3
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