my journal is going to become friends only if you are already on my friends list.... you will still get my posts but if you are not and you have a good reason for me to add you i will consider doing so just leave me a note
she had always thought of herself as an empty person who never could feel much on her own or experience anything lastingly even when she took LSD- the kind of person who cries out to the world to give her some passion, some vitality.
"Love and Will"- Rollo May
reminds me of someone... but i can't quite figure out who
kiernan and i are thinking about having a garage sale a going off to college garage sale not only will it help us get rid of unwanted stuff we will make some easy money for school if any of you are interested in joining us let me know we'll most likely do it at my house... seeing as how we are in prime garage sale territory woot