Staying in contact with people I don't see regularly is not my strongest point. I want to try and change that. Therefore I'm challenging myself to post everyday either here or on Facebook.
So if there is anything you want to ask or talk to me about please do so.
I have my audition for the RSAMD on Friday. To say I'm nervous is a bit of an understatement. I'm really worried about this and I know I shouldn't be. I've three and a half years experience working as a theatre tech, and I've been involved with theatre groups since I was five. It's not as though I'm going in to this course blind, like I did with
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I've been spending more time (and money) on Warhammer stuff. Here is my latest project after about two hours of assembly and painting. ( Read more... )
I've been spending a lot of time(and money) recently on Warhammer models. This may have something to do with the warhammer club I started nearly two months ago that has become very successful. I've done something I didn't want to do, it started with the Black Reach set, I have... bought some Space Marines. I was intending to paint them in Imperial
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The Nationals are nearly here again, so I had better make arrangements. Does anyone have any spare sleeping space for Thursday the 16th and Sunday the 19th? Somewhere I can leave my car safely for the weekend would also be a plus.
Thank you.
A proper post is due soon, and I'll try not to disappoint. I still need to answer out0fcontrol's meme