She wasn't the one responsible for the false information of her death.
This too is good, because it was apparently either A) she was really dead or B) she was pulling a stupid stunt for which there was no excuse. Glad to see it was neither and that this curls_rock asshole was the one responsible
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I think all of you know I'm from Wisconsin, and also that Wisconsin is That Cheese State. So it's kind of funny to see California cheese commercials that say "Good cheese comes from happy cows; happy cows come from California." One such commercial has talking cows with northern dialects talking about a cow who braved a blizzard to go to
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For those who haven't heard, I am currently on a new computer all my own. I can actually play City of Heroes tolerably on this thing, plus the monitor is a hell of a lot better than the one on the old Frankenstein computer.
Check this out. Fresh memes, straight off the boat from sakebi. Y'interested?
Name the game, and the character [which seriously would help, but if you don't know them~ Multiple people will get an answer if someone knows the character and you do not~ ]
[21:52] Casey: I care about you in the sense I care about people. I don't really give a shit about you other than that.Now, I'm not going to suggest that friends of Casey don't matter to Casey, but I will suggest that only Casey matters to Casey. I'll also suggest that friends of mine who are also friends of Casey may want to see about how much
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Play Psychonauts, guys, It's funny and I'd go so far as to say it's one of the most artistic games I've played, with the different kinds of minds and stuff. I think you might really like it in particular, madamluna.