ok i'm moving back to my old journal for a while, cause its all pretty and pink and stuff and its almost valentines day so yeah. if you have a problem with that, get over it. _sacredglance_
ok for those of you losers who dont get on here enough and missed your chance at getting a quarter. or a thousand cool points or whatever. there will be other chances. dont fret. lol cough rachel cough hehe
ok this is for the musically educated people. so i did that whole "your life: the soundtrack" thing but i only put the song titles, not the artist. SO whoever can guess the right artists to the most songs... um i'll give you a quarter. or something. well you'll be really cool.
And when my smile gets old and faded wait around I’ll smile again Shouldn’t be so complicated just hold me and then Just hold me again can you help me I’m bent I’m so scared that I’ll never get put back together