Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Is
lamestofthelame a high school student? Yes em
2) Would
helloamythyst and
moochies18 make a good couple? HAHA.. umm, no. personality differences
3) When did you last call
sonichedgehog? Psshh, long time ago
4) Is
lunagalapogos 1337? wtf?
5) What song/movie would you recommend to
lunagalapogos? movie; xx/xy song; none 'cuase he hates my music
6) Have you ever dated
moochies18? No, but I wanna ;)
7) Is
fixingpumpkins friends with
lunagalapogos? In a way, yes
8) What animal does
flamingmist remind you of? Fireball O.o
9) What is
helloamythyst's shoe size? HAHA, Ima hafta guess on this one............ 8 1/2?
10) What is
lunagalapogos's biggest flaw? Singing all the time
11) Have you flirted with
fixingpumpkins? LOL HELLS NO
12) How long have you known
lamestofthelame? errr.. over a year?
13) Where did you first meet
zmbsrxq? Hrmm, she did live down the street from me, but I don't membber
14) How many monkeys could
lunagalapogos fight at once and win against? 10
15) Is
sonichedgehog dead sexy? LOL .. no
16) What is
helloamythyst's favorite movie? Phhff
17) What is
lunagalapogos's favorite band/artist? A lot of rock
18) Where would
lamestofthelame most like to visit? Hollywood *shrugs*
19) What would
lunagalapogos give
helloamythyst for his/her birthday? A good leg humping
20) What video game does
fixingpumpkins remind you of? Don't know
21) Does
lamestofthelame do drugs? I would hope not
22) One thing you can't stand about
x5927alpha? Nuffin'
23) Would
moochies18 be a better ninja or pirate? PIRATE!
24) Did
flamingmist break up with you? *sniff* yes
25) What would you do if
lamestofthelame died? Steal all her make-up?