today for pt, it was -14degrees out. so cold that when you inhale it hurts. and i guesse that kind of cold messes with your head cause while standing in formation, i seriously considered this thought. "well if stop breathing it won't hurt anymore." and it actually took me a second to relize what i was thinking. that's crazy!
i was looking at a book at the px. "the ranger's handbook" i open it up and start reading it, "8 troop leadin proc... DAMN! did i just get a paper cut? this book really is only for the tough"
i didn't do it... last night i dreamt i won the medal of honor and i saved a baby with cpr. i won the MOH because i killed bill. this morning i woke up to christmas songs, it was the only time i ever enjoyed them, like they brightened my day
ok, since i'm back i figure i should start with a funny joke, seeing how that's what most of my post are anyway. my roomates out of town tonight. i hate, i'm probably gonna jerk off on his bed. i'll tell you tomorrow if i did or didn't. i didn't know this thing was so old. ted and i were going through my old post, i crack me up
i got a army strong shirt today, now i can go out in public with out feeling horribly out of fashion. i also got a my picture taken with the company commander. now that might not sound like a lot to you, but holy fuck, i'm pumped. I even got to show off infront of her with the soldiers creed
after i was done working out today, i hit the courts and i pretty much dunked, so i figure when my muscles heal up, i'll be able to dunk. i'll get back to you on it
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