that is just one of the draw backs of online relationships, i'm sure that if you were closer to her and able to share the moments you so desire to share with her, she would have been forgot about him, but while you touch her in an amazing way, no matter how great you are, or what words you can make, it doesnt make up for a single touch, or one look into the eyes, as real as the relationship is, its not reality, and that always ends up hurting because of the emotions you might allow yourself to have. it has nothing to do with your worth though, dont let that effect your opinion of yourself, its more the situation then anything, and a situation you chose, or chose you, either way, you should discuss with her though, how her talking about him makes you feel, not tell her to stop talking about him, but inform her of how the thoughts she shares effects you and your relationship. speaking from experience.
hey, whats up ;x I saw your Lj,I'm sorry of what happened.. Ever need someone to talk to, I'm here ;x My life.... well just put it this way.. My life sux.. ;x read my journal, I write lots of stuff in there... IM me if you want..
i knoe how u feel i was in love with this kid Mike Foster and he always talked bout his other girlfriends and he put me down but i couldnt brake up with him he made me feel lyke shit....he still does....he was the only person i ever cried over...i wanted to kill myself but i didnt one dai ull find that specail somene dont worry the person that will treat u right and will make u happier.
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