"Those Who Are Patient" - Adama/Roslin Drabble

Feb 01, 2012 19:02

Title: Those Who Are Patient (original drabble: Best For Last ) 
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: R
Word Count: 300 words
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.
A/N: Written for the "another chapter" challenge at ar_drabbles. Thanks to nixmom for her input.

“What do you see in her anyway?” Carolanne’s shrill voice caused Bill to wince.

Laura noticed his discomfort, and lightened her touch on his wounds.

“It stings, I know,” Laura offered apologetically.

“S’fine,” he grunted. She resumed her attention to the cuts and bruises that adorned his face.

“What were you trying to prove Bill? That the Admiral still has it? Aren’t you a bit old to be getting in the ring to impress some hussy?” Carolanne eyed Laura disapprovingly from where she sat perched on the countertop in his head.

“She’s average looking, nothing special,” Carolanne huffed. “Besides, you’ve always preferred blondes.” She flipped her hair haughtily.

“I bet she hasn’t even let you frak her yet. Probably too prim and proper for that sort of thing.”

Laura rung the wash cloth out under the warm water before applying it to Bill’s forehead.

“Gods Bill, you can be so foolish sometimes,” Laura said mournfully.

He hung his head in shame. Carolanne gloated.

“I can’t do this without you,” her voice broke. “Promise me that you won’t do something so stupid again.”

Her fingertips traced his swollen lips before she leaned forward to kiss him softly.

Laura began to clean the wounds on his shoulders and upper arms; she and Bill both had matching grins on their faces.

“You’re making a fool of yourself,” Carolanne hissed, “had you met on Caprica, she wouldn’t have even given you the time of day. You’re not her type. She’s just scratching an itch and you’re the tool she’s using.”

A knock at the hatch sounded and Laura excused herself.

“I still don’t see what you see in her,” Carolanne crossed her arms sulkily. “What makes her so frakking special?”

Bill’s gaze followed Laura as she exited the tiny space.

“I love her.”

bill adama, fanfic, laura roslin, adama/roslin, bsg

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