Sep 19, 2007 17:05
katie, do you remember the power rangers knock off that had horrible colors like salmon? what was the name of that thing. also, i can talk to you from my ear now. weeee!
Apr 14, 2007 14:09
I'm moving into my grandma's house today, so i doubt i'll be seeing you guys again for a while. love you all! wish me luck!
Mar 31, 2007 11:46
i've been feeling lonely as of late. especially when in the room with friends. i figures out why as well, but we'll just have to let it pass. meh. still no internet but i'm working on it. moo.
Mar 08, 2007 12:57
Name: Molly Berg
Badge Name: Molly
Blah, blah-di-blah
Confirmation Code: bloo-di-blah
Registation Status: COMPLETE
woot! see ya'll there!
Jan 22, 2007 13:37
people should try text messaging me as i just changed my phone+ carrier+ number. it should actually work now. ^_^
Dec 29, 2006 01:11
Molly: Survivor guy?
Megan: "No that's the dude everyone thought died."
Molly: He even looks like Jesus!
Megan: "He looks like a pirate"
And then the eventual collapse that was star trek references, but with the shiny new addition of Jesus.
Merry Effin' Late Christmas Pressie Everyone!