Title: Circus of Pain Author: Demira_Watson Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Adam/Michael Rating: R Warnings: Uhh...my interputation of hell. So gore-ish and what not... Disclaimer: Kripke's sandbox, I'm just playing in it.
This reads almost like a poem rather than a fic. It's very lovely. The image you create of Adam twirling there in the darkness after Sam but before Michael is such a strong one.
Thankies m'lovely! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's a bit darker then what I usually write but I really enjoyed writing it. Re-reading it now I think your right, it is like a poem. XD
Comments 6
love love love :)
oh, I see Jake/Jensen/Jared in your tags @_@ *runs off*
J3 is an old story of mine XD I will worn you its not very good.
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