Jul 28, 2003 21:25
I’m invisible... at least it seems to be so. Darn... or what ever...
Jul 04, 2003 08:47
I have heard rumours about some kind of war going on among demons, am I right? I have kept low profile lately. Maybe the others forget me and my existence.
Jun 29, 2003 00:06
And still I I’m wondering what I did wrong. Well, me and my big mouth... you don’t need anything else to get into troubles. I should figure out what to do... I’m bored...
Jun 24, 2003 10:07
Oh Great...really great... me and my big mouth. Why I never learn. Assumingly I have done something wrong whining? and I'm about to summon to Middle East. Yeah Great indeed.
*wondering is there any way for Demon to make a suicide* naah... I better deal this like a Man... Hmm, better like a Demon.
Jun 13, 2003 12:41
Ok, Demon Claudia promised me to indroduce the orgyrooms. I decided to go 1st into kink-room. Now I kinda regret it. I don't have any idea what that demonous woman is doing to me. Well, whatever she does, it's really painful. But still I don't want her to stop... Am I going mad?
May 30, 2003 21:13
I just woke up... No idea were I am. I should not had that last drink... Ouch, my head...