Nov 15, 2008 04:29
I can't remember what day it is o_O The strike is screwing with my baiiins
Apr 13, 2005 15:37
...Saaauuuuur. Bulba bulba saur . bulbasauuuuur. bulba~ =3
Mar 09, 2005 21:34
If you drink a lot of alcohol then lit up a cigerette, could you explode or catch on fire?
o.O Yea..
Von-sama desu~
Jan 18, 2005 21:11
I have just seen the first installment of American Idol.. and while I respect the people going after their dreams and what not.. god dammit I'm going to be having nightmares.
Dec 04, 2004 21:33
Yargh. Minor cavity while back. Dentist didn't notice it until I showed him. Drilled a little till he hit the fucking nerve, then filled. Hurt for a couple days afterwards. Months later. Like, right now. FUCKING OW. Wtf?? x.x It huuurts.
Oct 25, 2004 16:04
Tis Kaiba Seto's designated date of birth. If I am found dead tomorrow morning it is because I have attempted the impossible. *coughbakingnakedYamiintoacakecough*
Jun 11, 2003 16:16
...can someone please explain to me why people find Bingo so entertaining?
Jun 07, 2003 22:31
People, no matter what anyone tells you... Tiddly winks DO hurt!