Title: Memories (Part 2)
Pairing: Kyusung
Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Inspired by a manga
Length: Three-shots
Warning: Character Death
turtlecloudsSummary: To let it fade…or to run away from it…which choice would be more unbearable?
Part 2 )
Comments 20
Don't worry. I'm nervous though. I'm going to read this right now <3 . hope I won't cry. ( I'm currently listening to Dream High 2 ost, moreover haha).
My heart broke once again, and I'm crying. actually, I was already feeling bad when they were talking on the phone, and even before that, but I started crying at :
" “Baby Kyu,”
“I love you,” Yesung said."
And I thought about adoption, but I didn't really know if you would do that. and you did, and I think it's sweet. :D <3 And... really. actually, what I found heartbreaking and beautiful and all in this scene, especially, it's the " “I never wished to be born!” " , this is so heartbreaking. thank you for this <3. this was really what I was looking for the most haha. <3 this simple sentence, but it was so heartbreaking and sad and... *wipes tears ( ... )
Haha!! That's something I added...just to make things more bitter when it ends...sorry >.< Now I realize its really terrible :(
Aside from MPREG and adpotion..what's much better choice??? Adoption is the only choice...and my head ache really trying to connect the adoption scene to the kitchen scene you love...I don't want to change much the story and I don't want to remove the vital parts..that kitchen scene is one of the most important part and one of the most emotional (Im actually dreading writing the final part..it'll be much more emotional than this >.<) *hands you a tissue*
LOL!! Don't reveal my story!!! Poor Hae...hate to do it to him >.< Phew! Im glad you enjoyed it and I didn't disappoint you..I'll start writing it as soon as I feel like it xDDD See ya!!
but well... yeah... nothing will last long ;____; but at least they have something to be treasured ;________________;
How's Donghae??? oh Kyu.... my poor baby Kyu...
What's wrong with Yesung?! How many days has passed since their last talk anyway? @@
Kyuhyun.... oh God... please be strong ;_______________________;
Thanks though for reading and commenting :)
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