There are always friending memes floating around - we must save LJ from this slow rot, drag people back kicking and screaming from Tumblr and Dreamwidth if necessary! - and they always seem to be either generic or focused around a particular fandom. But I don't think I've ever seen one out there for the bookworms amongst us. So in classic if-you-can't-find-what-you're-looking-for-just-make-something-up fashion, a bookworm friending meme!
Fill in the details! Usual name, location, blah blah blah - then let's talk about books!
The Basics name: age: location: Books! favourite book: favourite author: favourite book series: favourite screen adaptation of a book: preferred genre: print or ebook?:currently reading:
rec something: Other fandoms: ships: interests: other social media accounts: something random about yourself: anything else: Also, pimp the meme! Otherwise it'll just be me, waving into the abyss...">">the 'what's on your bookshelf?' friending meme