Last night an old friend, Will, sat next to me on the bus home and didn't recognise me until I talked to him. That isn't surprising, as I haven't seen him this millenium, and when he knew me, I was in my ball-of-hair period
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After being asked at work whether I was a Leb by various Lebanese (and probably Syrian) co-workers, I was told that if I was working the Cronulla line to relinquish duties. I didn't know what they were really taking about until I got home and saw the news, but I gathered that if they can't tell I'm not of middle-eastern background without asking, a
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Was busy with small things (piecemeal work on a number of different topics) and only just realised it was after midnight. Oddly, I'm not tired (even with early mornings etc) and didn't even notice it got so late.
Guess it's time to convince myself I'm getting sleepy.
The government has, or is set to change superannuation laws to allow financially interdependant people (who are not married) to have the same rights as thoses that are. I find it interesting, as they will include same-sex couples along with siblings who live together under this legislation
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I don't know if it made it into the final legislation, but the draft Anti-Terrorism Laws recognised a same sex partner as a family member (possibly the only piece of Federal Legislation that does so)
Democracy, in it's bottom most roots, was simply the ability of the people (people being defined as those who could vote) to remove the government that they had by due process
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