Alternate Title: Submission
IMDB rating: 5.4
My rating: 1 star
Nudity: Medium
Violence: Medium
Foul Language: Medium
Deliberate Comedy: Low
Accidental Comedy: Medium
Effects: Medium
Year: 1974
argh_jim insisted that I purchase this movie, I have been waiting for someone to gift it to me, as it is well beyond my budget for B movies. Sadly, though, it wasn't work the gift certificate money. It could have earned up to two more stars by (a) eliminating the awful dog-killing scene, and (b) having a decent copy of the film that wasn't scratched all to hell. It would also have been nice to have more fetish scenes as implied by the name and cover, but at least Bonnie was cute and didn't mind shedding her top at a moments notice.
The main character, Bonnie, has no real past to speak of. She runs away from an abusive brother near the beginning with only the (minimal) clothes on her back. First she meets up with a dog-killer who cons her into helping her rob some guy, but manages to take off with all the money and the guy's car. She then wanders into the arms of a lesbian painter, but her desire for men makes her hide a burglar in her room, then when the artist kills him in a jealous rage she takes off.
It is finally here in the last 15-20 minutes of the movie that we see the guy who keeps all female pets, including real women. Well, one real woman - Bonnie. He had mainly some pretty common critters (e.g. a squirrel and a raccoon), but also some fairly expensive ones including some sort of large bird and a real live tiger. Eventually the artist comes to rescue her, but the guy tries to "tame" her as well, but it ends up with Bonnie putting both of them in her cage, letting out all the animals, and escaping. The End.
Lesson learned from this movie: Some art gallery owners are heterosexual.