It's not every day that you realize you truly have no friends. Maybe it happens at some point in everyone's life or maybe just me. Perhaps I should elaborate
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:( I have nothing really wonderfully brilliant to say but I just wanted to um, send you a psuedo-hug or something yes. The weather is gorgeous out here if that's any compensation for anything. I don't have many close friends either but, uh, cherish the ones you've got because they're the cream of the crop? oi, Hallmark'll never hire me.
Yeah the next two months are going to be agonizingly painful. But hopefully college will be more enjoyable. Still have 9 years of schooling left *cries*.
Overall I've been doing pretty well. It'd be kind of hard to sum up the last three years in an LJ comment. So I'm just gonna say that a lot has happened but nothing big enough to change anything. I've been told that I've changed a great deal personality-wise.
Sorry I can't think of anything on the spot. But what about you? We haven't actually conversed in a long time. How is everything?
welp, my parents are getting a divorce because my mom is a herpes infested internet whore, literally, and because of this, i've had to gypsy around the past 7 months of my life. i now drive, my boyfriend lives with us, and i honestly am terrified of life enough to absolutely loathe the thought of going to college, despite how exciting it really is. never really have gotten along with your mom have you? I don't know, things always have a weird way of working out so I'm sure things'll get better. I started driving right before Christmas and really haven't stopped. I do a lot of impulse driving (one time to Cincinatti and back on a whim) and go through about $30 in gas a week with a tempo. But I guess that's not a lot anymore
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I love philisophical discussions but I can't help feeling that this is irrelevant. Maybe I missed the theme. You being one of my best friends, I would think that you'd be very opinionated on the subject.
It's sad, isn't it. I really wonder why people had/have to feel like they need to indulge in stupid acts just to feel "alive" as if they're experiencing more. I really know what you're going through and honestly, I wish we were closer friends and I wish I would have gotten to know you better these high school years. People are dipshits...I'm just happy to know that at least you and Kaz will never change directions and tread the path of Mary Jane. Cheers. -Serra
Yeah, it's a very depressing thought but alas you can't change what other people do. I'm just glad to know that I'm not alone in this thought. It would've been nice to be closer friends but then again, lives don't end at high school. Maybe we'll end up getting together and cause some destruction sometime. Either way, I have enough woman problems without Mary Jane getting in on the offense. Cheers.
Comments 10
hope you're doing well, as i am slowly moving forward through the trash that is high school. hopefully you are as well.
what's been going on in the life of nick, as i am a delinquent and i would kind've like to know!
Zero in Tennis.
Overall I've been doing pretty well. It'd be kind of hard to sum up the last three years in an LJ comment. So I'm just gonna say that a lot has happened but nothing big enough to change anything. I've been told that I've changed a great deal personality-wise.
Sorry I can't think of anything on the spot. But what about you? We haven't actually conversed in a long time. How is everything?
my choir is singing on the twelfth and the 18th.
Zero in Tennis.
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