
Apr 09, 2011 18:59


Your character suddenly has the urge to tell their deepest, darkest secret. Here's how it works:

1 Post with your character's journal.
2 Other characters reply with their secrets: "What if I told you ________?" - and fill in the blank!
3 Watch the magic unfold!
4. Penguins.

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historyandblood April 9 2011, 23:15:08 UTC
[Nosing in front behind.] What if I told you I wanted t'remember?


selfdeluded April 9 2011, 23:23:08 UTC
[Leaning away, just a little. And very much not looking at him.]

There isn't much to remember... just a lot of memories of me yelling at you. [Of course, that isn't mentioning Chase. But he never mentions Chase to Lavi.]


... that was supposed to be from. I don't know where front came from ._. historyandblood April 9 2011, 23:25:20 UTC
[Wait. Why is he...? Moves a little more to try and center himself in Allen's vision.]

That makes it any less important?


s'okay, I kind of figured it might have been that. o/ selfdeluded April 9 2011, 23:28:05 UTC
[Glances at him briefly, before looking away again.]

Of course it does. [Rubbing the back of his head. He smiles, though he should be able to hear that it's pretty fake.] They're just... trivial things. They weren't that important.


/eats the t and turns the m into an n <<; historyandblood April 9 2011, 23:35:44 UTC
[That's the funny thing about fake smiles. They create domino effects. Because this? This is the sound of detachment.]

... guess sometimes trivial things are worth punchin' people over, yeah?


\o/ selfdeluded April 9 2011, 23:39:31 UTC
[They do. And so does detachment - because it gets an angry flash. No-- he didn't say you could detach. Not again. He hates it so much when Lavi does.]

You left. I think that was worth punching you over.


historyandblood April 9 2011, 23:45:32 UTC
[Angry flash, meet angry flash; though it sizzles immediately - like dust buried under a rug.]

Y'say it like I had a choice.


selfdeluded April 9 2011, 23:48:45 UTC
You wouldn't have wanted to stay. ["Not with me. Chase, maybe. Never me."]

...don't do that.


historyandblood April 9 2011, 23:52:44 UTC
How do ya know that? [Might. Sound like a challenge.]

[Glancing away. Nope, not going to not do it. Buryburybury.]


selfdeluded April 9 2011, 23:55:30 UTC
Because I wasn't that important. [Not the easiest thing to argue when he can't bring up the person that was important.

Scowling, and jabbing Vampvi in the ribs with his knuckles.]

I said don't!


historyandblood April 10 2011, 00:02:33 UTC
You can't know that fer fact.

[Twisting to the side and hissing.]

Yer one ta talk!


selfdeluded April 10 2011, 00:05:45 UTC
I could hear it!

[Narrowing his eyes, and pulling his lips back to show his teeth.]

You're the one who constantly does that, not me!


historyandblood April 10 2011, 00:20:48 UTC
[Well, it doesn't look or sound like Allen is going to punch or jab him again. And so he relaxes; he doesn't need to be angry. Right?]

Hypocrisy doesn't look good on you, yanno.


selfdeluded April 10 2011, 00:23:51 UTC
[Slight growl, get. Now you're ignoring the last topic? What the hell man?]

I'm not being a hypocrite.


historyandblood April 10 2011, 00:33:06 UTC
[Well, you were shutting down first... >>;]

Tell me that when yer not buryin' all that buzzin' goin' on in tha' head o'yers.

[Because it throws him for loops how much you're like him, sometimes.]


selfdeluded April 10 2011, 00:36:53 UTC
I don't-- [Cutting off, though, and gritting his teeth. Because... well, he was right. Allen buried a lot. So much that he couldn't even really deny it.]


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